Sunday, June 08, 2008


This is going to be short. I made it home safely. Weather and trip was beautiful, will give details later. I received a phone call this morning from my base manager that we (my company) lost a crew/aircraft this morning. Med 12 was out of College Station Texas. They flew in the same model aircraft as I do. I know some folks in TX, but not at this base. This has been a sad day. My mom is (understandably) freaked out and the cop is tolerating the non-stop phone calls.

Please take a moment and remember these brave, selfless individuals. You can read what we, their peers, colleagues and those impacted by this crew have to say in memoriam at

I will post again when things have settled and I am in a lighter mood. Thanks...


Blogger Paradise Driver said...

You're in an occupation that has inherent risk factors.

My condolences to the crew's families.

3:09 AM  
Blogger MOJITOGIRL said...

So very sorry to hear of your sister crew's loss. I, too work with a dedicated transport crew who are talented, loads of fun and always a pleasure to deal with. It would be devastating to lose so much talent in such a tragedy. I see where this would rattle your core more than a little bit. But it takes special people to fly, and you do it in spite of the risks. Grieve, remember, then GO! Remember, the only requirement for death is the ability to breathe! That puts us all at risk.

Again my condolences and my wish that you come back running!

5:36 AM  

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