Monday, August 13, 2007

Shit, Motherfucker..

Fuck, Shit

Ok, now that I got that out of my system. I woke up Friday afternoon after 3 days off. I was feeling guilty because I hadn't picked up any shifts in the ED and it would show in my paycheck. So I got ready to head in to the ICU to hang with my man Porkchop. The cop and I were on our way and I was checking my voicemail. The coordinator if the ICU..... they have had 3 call outs and can I come in?


I pulled out the planner and checked. Yup, I was OFF! (Hence the title of this post) I have never NOT shown up to work, but every now and then I will get all dressed up and not be on the schedule. Did I call the ICU? Hell no! I called the ER and explained that I was on my way and did they need me? (does the desert have sand?)

So I played in the trauma room for the night. Nothing big, but a good night nonetheless. For the second week in a row I have had to pull out my high school Spanish and make an ass of myself. I'm actually getting a lot better.

Saturday night I was definitely in the ICU, I double checked before I went to bed! Was all ready to hang with Porkchop again. We were sitting in report when the day charge nurse opened the door and asked for bed 24's nurse to come out.... they were going to open her belly.

The OH SHIT in the room was palpable. I am the only one in there that has ever helped with that before, so you know who was IT.

20 year old girl, drunk at 1130am, rolled her car and was ejected (no seatbelt) and the car landed on her. She already had a huge head bleed, bilateral collapsed lungs with chest tube, pelvic fracture, ruptured bladder, laceration to the liver for which she had been to the OR once already. She was crumping and I gowned up just in time to hand the trauma attending the staple remover. It was pretty fucking cool.

The rest of the nursing staff was watching and bringing me what I needed when I hollered. She did well, but her belly was so swollen that they had to leave it open. It had gauze packing and something that looked like plastic wrap on the outside. Needless to say, I was busy as hell the rest of the night.

Mom and dad kept saying "she has so many problems." Apparently it was a mere matter of time that this would happen. Dad knows she will not survive the head injury. I think mom is getting there too.

SO.... we are back to my favorite phrase.....


how simple can it get? I was listening to Buffett on the way home that morning.... this says it all...

I bought a cheap watch from a crazy man
Floating down canal
It doesn't use numbers or moving hands
It always just says now
Now you may be thinking that I was had
But this watch is never wrong
And If I have trouble the warranty said
Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On


Blogger ERnursey said...

I love it when a patient is crashing, sick I know but there it is.

2:03 AM  

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