Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fuckin Flu

So nada good going on in the ER these days. The flu is rampant (of course) and I think there must be a psychological component because these have to be the stupidest patients I have seen in a while. Kids with temps of 103 and the parents, when asked about tylenol/motrin etc respond "that’s why I brought him here." At 2am with the rest of your damn family. I actually had a mother bring a kid in for a runny nose that didn't think they should have to wait in the waiting room because she didn't want her kid to get sick. I explained that this IS a hospital, not a mall and that if she wanted a mask for her child then I could give her one. She refused. WTF?!?!? People are so fucking stupid.

Before I leave my flu rant in the dust let me also vent my frustrations about the management. They KNEW this was going to be a fucking nightmare. I think we all knew that this flu season was going to be bad. Did they prepare ahead of time? Negative. They have a "Flu Tent" that has been up in years past. Was it up when this shit started? Nope. They have decided to move the different areas around to make a dedicated "Flu ER." Did they know how they were gonna staff it??? Nope. I got a call yesterday. It was a recording from the ER saying that "We are excited to announce our new Flu ER! We are giving you the opportunity to work overtime from 9a-9p. Please call to schedule your shift!" Ummmm so what happens when NONE of us want to work there? I'm entertaining it just for extra Christmas money. Will check the schedule tonight and see just how fucked up this thing looks.

My paramedic class has gotten a touch of drama on as well. These Type A bitches are really pushing my Type B buttons. We are a new hybrid of the paramedic class. Things that are generalizations towards other classes don't fit ours and there is some flexibility that has to be accepted. That said..... we spend greater that 20 minutes each class hashing out the drama for the type A's in the group. This is all well and good when I have slept the night before and am slowly drinking my coffee and waking up. However, when I worked in flu hell the night before, haven't gotten my coffee on and generally not in a great mood... you'd better watch out. It was all I could do to keep my mouth shut. Even better?!?!? When the lecture started it was trauma and neuro. The teacher kept going to me with the classes because of my background. I should have just taken a nap!
Yesterday I got a call from the queen of the high maintenance bitches in my class. She had her first clinical in my ER. I was expecting she was gonna fly off the deep end. We are a bit off the chain these days and I didn't think a super control freak would feel comfortable there. I was wrong. She was blown away by our little shithole. She actually said that I was very fortunate to work in such an amazing place and that the experience as very humbling. Wow.... very interesting.

Finally, on the advice and support of friends (including you guys!) I have decided to just say FUCK IT and run away for a couple of days. Super nice, all inclusive resort in the Caribbean here I come! (In less than 2 weeks!!!!) Every time someone starts bitching about the long waits, the flu or getting super Type-A, I just hum some Buffett and Marley and go somewhere else.


Blogger MOJITOGIRL said...

GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!! nothing better that sitting under a palm tree gargling Margaritas! Relax and enjoy it! Get a killer tan and be the envy of everyone!!!

12:40 PM  
Blogger battynurse said...

Sounds like a fabulous trip. I hope you have a great time.
One thing I've noticed is not only are patients stupid but they seem to think the world should revolve around them and their runny nose and that we should just jump right up and fix it all for them. It's annoying. I had one girl bitching today about how medi-cal wouldn't buy her a hearing aid (at 34yo with minimal hearing loss in one ear). I felt like saying well if you would quit punching your teenage daugther and fucking up your hand and got a job you could just go buy one!

10:54 PM  

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