Monday, October 22, 2007

In the fucking airport

So.... not out of Vegas yet. Actually, STILL sitting in the damn airport. The trip and the concert were incredible. We didn't win big (the cop won $60 on a slot machine that he didn't know how to work) so given that we gambled that much we are pretty much even.

A few things I don't understand. When you are 50+ and you dress like you're 20, get shit faced drunk and go to a concert that "sounds fun." I have no tolerance for this bitch who kept stepping on the cop's feet, and was too stupid to do "Fins" with the rest of us. It was nice when she went for a drink and didn't come back. (maybe it was the cop and I making snide comments about throwing her over the rail that drover her away.... oh well).

So, Vegas... not my kind of town. If I wanted to be around over-served trash, I would go home and let the cop arrest them. I did, however find the $49.99 ho delivered to your room special. Andrea is available..... we have a card somewhere for one of the cop's friends. He is an Indians fan, so we figured he needed a pick me up.

So we decided to get the hell out at about 1pm today, got to the airport and were standby to a flight to LA. Yes, I live on the East Coast, not sure how we got routed by way of Ca, but what the fuck? So our flight (standby) flight was late. The plane broke in Denver, but thats ok, they are flying it anyway. I must give mad props to Jill and Joe at United for hooking us up. Instead of going through LA we are going from Las Vegas to Washington and then home. We get in within 5 minutes of our original flight so its all good. I tried to get them to route us through Maui so we could hang with Wil, but no such luck. So, we are waiting for a midnight flight, its 1830 (630) vegas time..... thank GOD for free WiFi. I'm sure we'll get home eventually!


Blogger Paradise Driver said...

(snort-toss-cough) Did somebody mention my name? Must have been a dream. YAWN

Back to bed.

Strange dream about a drunk woman flying over the LV Buffett concert.

Gonna have to start watching what I eat before bed. Have to skip that vanilla ice cream and stick with jalapenos and Italian dry salami.

11:27 PM  

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