Saturday, November 18, 2006


Let me just say... having a day off is a good thing. I was so physically and emotionally wiped when I left work Friday morning. I had the Evil One again... who was must better behaved. I also had the 26 year old quad that I have mentioned before. They have really gotten him cleaned up and he is such a cutie! Sad sad case though. He and I have been buddies since he got to the ICU so it wasn't a big adjustment. He just breaks my heart.... he tries so hard to do everything he needs to do to get better and get out of here. I have not seen this kind of determination in many patients. The girls have decided that we are going to keep him "pretty" while he is with us.... I think he just enjoys the attention and feeling a little normal again. Let me say though.... DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!!! This guy is 26 and will be in a chair for the rest of his life. I swear, its not worth it!

So at 11 I had my boys and was having a good night. Then Lurch had to go home... not even going to ask why. So I got his patient. So I was tripled. That sucks my ass. I'm the newest person here and now I have three patients. The charge nurse and another girl had one each! Grrrrrrr... I made it through but was late getting home for all the extra paperwork.

Ran around the grocery store this morning. Those Thanksgiving people are crazy! I swear I almost saw a fight over a frozen turkey. Good thing I didn't need one 'cause I would have kicked ass! I will be working in the ICU Wednesday night and Thursday night. The cop and I are staying at mom's during the day and will be as festive as possible given the circumstances. This was a compromise after how sucky Christmas was last year. The schedule lady came up to me the day that the Christmas schedule came out last year and said "I'm sorry, it was Susie (the nurse manager's) decision. Have I mentioned a million times that I work nights??? Last Christmas I worked 3pm-11pm Christmas Eve and 11am-11pm Christmas Day. For those of you paying attention... I GOT SCREWED! I was soooooo angry. I had no time to spend with either the cop or my family. My saving grace was that we would have an extra nurse from 7-11pm Christmas Day and I *should be* able to go home early. Ummmm..... yeah, she called in. New to the dept and the bitch called in. I was in tears. So this year I am taking the 23-26 off no questions asked.

Back in the ICU tonight and the ER tomorrow..... Whhhhhhoooooooo-Saaaaaaaaa!
(See Bad Boys II)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello. Here by way of Izzy's place.

I hope your days get better. I admire people in your profession and the work loads they are burdened with at times.

Good luck.

10:11 PM  

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