Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hat Trick

A hat trick in soccer is 3 goals in one game. For my base a hat trick is the most flights we have done in a single 24 hour shift. I was working with my least favorite medic on my first shift back after a week of being off (family emergency type stuff... everything is fine now) and we did 3 flights.

The first was a lady who had the worst headache of her life (per her daughter the nurse) and had a history of hypertension. Now that should set off red flags... "GO TO THE ER NOW!!!" Nope, she went to bed, got up the next morning, got in the shower and DFO'd. Her husband found her in the shower with the water still running. Ems brought her to the small hospital we are based out of. They didn't secure an airway before Ct, bit after seeing the scan it probably won't make much of a difference anyway. I showed up as the MD was attempting to intubate. He got the tube, I checked breath sounds and then respiratory therapy set to securing the tube. This woman was NOT bright. When I asked her to hold the tube while I taped it she asked "what tube?" WTF?!?!?! So when the tube came dislodged and went into her belly.... she didn't even notice. We (my partner and I) told the doc the tube was out... but it wasn't until her sats were nonexistent, she went into V-Tach... then Brady to the 20's that they would let us pull the tube. What a fucking mess.

The second patient was another transfer out to "my" hospital. An 18 month old with a 1 time witnessed febrile seizure. She HATED my partner and screamed bloody murder whenever he spoke. She seemed fascinated with me, especially when I sang to her. (I always sing to my little patients) I sang 'Twinkle Twinkle, ' 'ABC's,' the Barney the Dinosaur Song and then I drew a blank. I couldn't remember another kids song to save my ass. She started whimpering so I sang the first thing that came to my mind 'Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw' by Buffett. The pilot had to stop what he was doing on start-up because he was laughing so hard.

The last flight was a scene call at 2am. Dude-man rolled a brand new full sized pick-up on the highway. He must have been doing over 100mph. He went over a 5 ft retaining wall, took out a huge power pole... the ones that run by highways with 8 or 10 wires on them... and then kept rolling to the treeline. He was confused, combative and kept screaming "why did you pick me?!?!?" He must have thought he was being abducted by aliens. Hehe... I think that makes me one of the little green men!

My next shift flying with the same medic.... complete shutout!!! Oh well.... I'm into my 5 day break now. The cop and I are going to relax and spend time together....


Blogger Shauna said...

I love your make me miss my ER days. (I always wanted to do flight...the flight director at my hospital is kind of a dumbass though - I never applied, got burnt out before applying and went into cardiology - but whenever I read your stories it makes me wish I would have continued in the ER/flight area). oh well...

4:26 PM  
Blogger GingerJar said...

I also love reading your stories. I think at 50 I'm too old to be hopping in choppers...and then there is that little fear of height thing.

I was laughing my butt off about the song choice. I'm sure the kiddo didn't mind as long as you smiled and kept on singing.

7:34 AM  
Blogger battynurse said...

LMAO at you singing lets get drunk and screw to a little one. How funny. Glad you could entertain her.

2:19 AM  

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